The Reason Republicans Don’t Understand Our Current Economic Situation

by Ben Hoffman

Sharon Angle claimed, “You can make more money on unemployment than you can going down and getting one of those jobs that is an honest job but it doesn’t pay as much. We’ve put in so much entitlement into our government that we really have spoiled our citizenry.”

Senator Jon Kyle of Arizona claimed, “continuing to pay people unemployment compensation is a disincentive for them to seek new work.”

And a host of other ignorant statements that recently came from the mouths of Republican ignoramuses warrant this quote from Upton Sinclair: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary” — or, in this case, his hope of retaking Congress — “depends upon his not understanding it.”
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13 Comments to “The Reason Republicans Don’t Understand Our Current Economic Situation”

  1. This is an amazing argument to have, whether extending unemployment compensation benefits keeps people from finding new jobs. How about, the discussion of why so many people have exhausted their benefits ?

    Where are the opportunities? There aren’t any. When you suck all of the money out of the private economy to feed the beast, you get no jobs. When you demonize private industry, you get no jobs. When you legislate what private companies have to pay in money and benefits, you get no jobs. When you elect a Socialist with zero executive experience, you get no jobs.

    This is what you get when you have an economic policy based on envy. Democrats took power by convincing a lot of weak minded morons that the rich had too much. That Government should steal from those that have and dole it out to the have nots.

    Tick tock, time is running out for Obama to turn the economy around.

    • The way I see it, if Obama was doing such a lousy job, you right-wingers wouldn’t have to lie about it.

      [Tick tock, time is running out for Obama to turn the economy around.]

      While people might not support Obama for turning the economy around, it would be insane to vote for the party that destroyed our economy. That would be like getting poked in the eye and then trying to soothe the pain with Tabasco sauce.

  2. Mr. Hoffman,

    ” While people might not support Obama for turning the economy around, it would be insane to vote for the party that destroyed our economy. ”

    Obama has not turned the economy around. All of the predictions of his underlings have failed. And the Republicans did not destroy the economy.

    The Bush economy was Peachy until Reid and Pelosi began to rule Congress. You cannot admit that. 07 was when everything turned to crap. And “your” party was doing it’s damage long before that.

    “Your” Party needed a Recession to gain power. They did everything possible to cause that. The problem is, once you screw everything up, it’s hard to undo it.

    “Your” Party took a Recession and used it to jam through all kinds of crap. Now that all of their Liberal pipe dreams are failing, it’s the Republicans fault. If the economy had turned up you would have said it was your fearless leader’s brilliance. Well the most brilliant idiot’s ideas are failing. So now it’s the GOPs fault.

    Oh, to change the subject. What do you think of NASA’s new purpose in life of winning the hearts and minds of Muslims? Now that “your” guy has so bankrupted America, we can no longer afford to go where no man has gone before.

    • Alan, you hate our president as a person and lie to create reasons to hate him. You’re against everything our founding fathers fought for. You’re as anti-American as they come.

  3. Mr. Hoffman,

    ” Alan, you hate our president as a person ”

    Yes, because I hate liars.

    ” lie to create reasons to hate him. ” If that were true I would have to hate myself. Which I do not.

    ” You’re against everything our founding fathers fought for. ”

    Not me. I know what they fought for, do you ? Anytime you want to argue history, bring it on.

    ” You’re as anti-American as they come. ” Your side makes fun of Patriotic behavior, not my side.

    You can assassinate my character all you want. You could not refute any of my points. My ideas stand unchallenged.

    • [Yes, because I hate liars.]

      You hate liars? We’ve already concluded that you’re a pathological liar. And you support Sarah Palin for president who is also a pathological liar.

      [My ideas stand unchallenged.]

      Your “ideas” are just regurgitated right-wing talking points.

  4. Mr. Hoffman,

    ” Your “ideas” are just regurgitated right-wing talking points “.

    If you would check out my ideas instead of dismissing them out of hand, you would find a lot of truth .

    Here is another idea for you to dismiss. You and your guys made a big deal about the Court ruling that Corporations are persons in regard to campaign contributions and free speech.

    Democrats are not about getting Corporate money out of politics. That is the last thing they want to do. By passing these Campaign finance reforms, the Democrats seek to control the flow of Corporate money into their coffers.

    Now the biggest hypocrite is Senator “Chuck You” Schumer. Go ahead and research how much Corporate money this clown has raised and redistributed to the rest of your boys. Only “Chuck You” is having a harder time in 2010 than in 2008. It seems you can only “Chuck” your Corporate masters in public so many times before the money dries up. You can only blackmail them for so long before they stop paying up.

    What ever you do don’t independently research anything. Don’t leave the propaganda sites that tell you what to think.

    • [If you would check out my ideas instead of dismissing them out of hand, you would find a lot of truth .]

      I do and they’re completely dishonest.

      [By passing these Campaign finance reforms, the Democrats seek to control the flow of Corporate money into their coffers.]

      So McCain-Feingold was about redirecting corporate money to Democrats’ coffers? Hmmmm…. interesting strategy by John McCain.

  5. rriigghhttt, and “sending out more un-employment checks is a faster way to create jobs” …

    Wow Ben, I think you’re a bit hard on Alan. I thought you left-wingers were the “tolerant” ones. Oh that’s right, only if someone is agreeing with you. I forgot about that.

  6. Mr. Hoffman,

    ” Hmmmm…. interesting strategy by John McCain. ”

    What can I say about Senator McCain? A decent man. Brought Governor Palin to national prominence. Survived years of torture in a Communist prison camp. But some of his ideas were totally naive. His motives were pure on reform legislation, but in practice they were ineffective.

    By the way, if you really did check out my ideas and really did find them dishonest, then show me where I am in error on ” Chuck You ” Schumer. If you want to talk about a man who does nothing , but make dishonest arguments, now there is a guy who is almost in a class by himself. Almost, because the competition is fierce within the Party.

    • [What can I say about Senator McCain? A decent man.]

      McCain just jumps on whatever issue is hot at the time. Like most Republicans, he’s a pathological liar.

      [If you want to talk about a man who does nothing , but make dishonest arguments, now there is a guy who is almost in a class by himself.]

      What do you base that on? Have you researched him at all? Here’s a quick read:

  7. Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.

    Talking to reporters, the House speaker was defending a jobless benefits extension against those who say it gives recipients little incentive to work. By her reasoning, those checks are helping give somebody a job.

    “It injects demand into the economy,” Pelosi said, arguing that when families have money to spend it keeps the economy churning. “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”

  8. The origin of Republican’s mentality and so called “ideas” is their lack of imagination–mostly the ability to imagine themselves walking in other people’s shoes.

    If they were unemployed, would they be looking for a job or sitting on their hands and doing nothing but wait for their next check? Do they really believe people are satisfied with the little money they get from unemployment and no other benefits?

    Again and again you can see the same lack of imagination at work when they tell us that people prefer to have no health insurance rather than letting the government provide it. Hello??? Would they be willing to do the same, to do without health insurance?

    What amazes me is that some people (poor Republicans) still fall for their tired and mistaken “ideas.”

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