Mitch McConell to block Wall Street Reform

by Ben Hoffman

Mitch McConnell has rounded up the necessary votes to block Democrats from bringing Wall Street reform to the Senate floor, a spokesman for the Senate Minority Leader said on Friday afternoon.

Senate Majority Leader Harry (D-Nev.) said on Thursday he planned to bring the bill to the floor next week where it would be debated and amendments added. McConnell has now persuaded 41 Republicans to vote against debating reform.


We are united in our opposition to the partisan legislation reported by the Senate Banking Committee.


The Senate Banking Committee consists of 15 Democrats and 10 Republicans.

19 Comments to “Mitch McConell to block Wall Street Reform”

  1. Interestingly, Rep Scott Garrett R of NJ said this:

    “The American people are tired of the safety net that has been provided to Wall Street. They want to put an end to the continued bailouts, and the bill currently under consideration in the Senate fails to accomplish this task. Wall Street is not afraid of this bill — as a matter of fact, Goldman Sachs, the same bank that has been charged by the SEC with fraud — and which also happens to have been President Obama’s single largest corporate donor in 2008 — has endorsed much of it. Goldman supports the bill because they know that it gives them and others an advantage in the marketplace by allowing their shareholders and creditors to be bailed out if they get into trouble because of the risks they take.”

    Does Goldman really support this bill?

  2. It’s amazing how much power the vast-right-wing-conspiracy has now that they’re the minority party. Imagine what the could accomplish as a majority party! Oh yeah, been there done that……. I’ve yet to be convinced either party has a single clue on how to govern in their partisan crippled minds.

    • I second that.

    • [It’s amazing how much power the vast-right-wing-conspiracy has now that they’re the minority party.]

      In the Senate, anybody can filibuster anything for whatever reason or even no reason, which is forcing the Democrats to garner 60 votes on every bill and nomination. It’s purely an anti-American activity on the part of Republican senators.

      The Senate is obsolete and does us absolutely no good whatsoever. It should be abolished. Think of all the money we could save by not having to pay these worthless bastards!

      • Yes Ben, the filibuster is true and abused by all. But how is it “purely an anti-American activity on the part of Republican senators”? I respect (yet admittedly often disagree with) your opinions and views, but find that statement shockingly narrow and shortsightedly focused from your normal discourse. I look forward to the 22nd of April when we can all turn out focus to more noble pursuits. As to the abolishing of the Senate I can not comment. As a right-winger that would be taken as a hostel threat to the government and I don’t need a DHS/Gestapo visit.

      • A lot of politicians claim that Washington is broken. Well, the wrench in the gears is the abuse of the filibuster. Never before has it been used just to obstruct the people who were democratically elected. That, my friend, is anti-American.

    • I’ve yet to be convinced either party has a single clue on how to govern in their partisan crippled minds.

      I think they are doing a fine job of governing; they are representing the constituents that are important to them.

  3. Mr. Hoffman,

    The Senate was deliberately put in there to hold back the House . The Founders knew how one faction could seize control of the country and drive it off a cliff . This sometimes results in obstructionism of good legislation, but there is the trade off .

    ” A lot of politicians claim that Washington is broken. Well, the wrench in the gears is the abuse of the filibuster. Never before has it been used just to obstruct the people who were democratically elected. That, my friend, is anti-American. ”

    I am quite sure that in the future, it being near or distant, when Republicans have returned to power, I will be quoting you to call Democrats ” anti-American ” and you will be singing the praises of the filibuster as a check on Republican abuses .

  4. Greed and the protection of greed, is the way of Mith McConnell, and all of his partners, in crime >>> <<<<

  5. Does anyone here believe that Wall Street Reform as proposed by Democrats will stop the next financial collapse ?

    No wait,,,,I have a much better question . Does anyone know what’s in the Financial Reform Bill ? Wait, wait,,,,it gets better . Does anyone here think that the same morons who voted in Obama-care with out knowing what was in that Bill, know what is in this Bill ?

  6. Mr. Hoffman,

    ” I know that Republicans wouldn’t have to lie about it if it really was that bad ”

    You do realize that you have just set yourself up to be embarrassed ?

    How can you know that Republicans have lied unless you know what is in the Bill ? If you do know, then tell us, your loyal readers, what those parts are, that conflict with Republican “lies” .

    Come 0n. Make me proud . 🙂

  7. Mr. Hoffman,

    At least you cited a somewhat neutral site .

  8. Mr. Hoffman,

    I keep rereading the information on your link . I do not believe it is that clear . The site disagrees with McConnell . I think it is more of a difference of opinion as to the effects of the Bill .

    One thing your Democrats are not putting in the Bill is regulation on the two Banks which actually started America on the path to financial ruin . Why is that ? Maybe because Democrats have always protected their good buddies at the two most corrupt Banks .

    The Taxpayer is on the hook for $381 Billion,,,at least . Why, why, why do we never hear about these two Banks when the Bolsheviks are in the streets demonizing Wall Street and the other Banks ?

    Well maybe because Senator Obama and the rest of the Democrat Hypocrites opposed REFORM . These same hypocrites demonize Republicans NOW !!!!!!

    Who are these two Banks that we never hear about from President Obama and Senator Dodd ? Well read on .

    • [Who are these two Banks that we never hear about from President Obama and Senator Dodd ? Well read on .]

      The WSJ is just another mouthpiece for the Republican party. As far as Fannie and Freddie, that should be in separate legislation, as is being proposed. Otherwise we’re going to wind up with some monstrosity of a bill (like with health reform).

  9. Mr. Hoffman,

    Democrats going after Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall St. is the same as spreading manure on a field and then blaming the flies for the stink . Democrats used the GSEs as the fertilizer . Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, and AIG were the house flies feeding off of the filth your guys put out .

    Fannie and Freddie are your embarrassment . This whole legislation is pure politics, nothing else . It’s easy for Democrats to go after Wall ST. and tie it to Republicans . The GOP should filibuster this BS until your guys bring up the heads of the GSEs and maybe Country Wide in front of their Committees .

    If your heroes are going to hang the boys at Goldman Sachs, let’s hang everybody.

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